#include #include #include #include "cvout.h" #include "cvin.h" static CVOut cvout; static CVIn cvin; bool read_config(const char *filename) { FILE *f = fopen(filename, "r"); if (f == NULL) { std::cerr << "Unable to open '" << filename << "' for reading" << std::endl; return false; } int line = 0; bool good = true; while (!feof(f)) { line++; char buf[80], name[80]; fgets(buf, sizeof buf, f); /* Ignore comments */ if (buf[0] == '#') continue; /* Try parsing port name entries */ if (sscanf(buf, "cvin_name %s", name) == 1) { cvin.set_name(name); continue; } else if (sscanf(buf, "cvout_name %s", name) == 1) { cvout.set_name(name); continue; } char dir[80], type[80]; int channel, ccmsb, cclsb, mrl, mru; float crl, cru; float latency; if (sscanf(buf, "%s %s %d %s %d %d %d %d %f %f %f", dir, name, &channel, type, &ccmsb, &cclsb, &mrl, &mru, &crl, &cru, &latency) == 11) { ControllerType itype; bool has_lsb = true; if (!strcmp(type, "pb")) itype = TYPE_PB; else if (!strcmp(type, "cc")) itype = TYPE_CC; else if (!strcmp(type, "nrpn")) itype = TYPE_NRPN; else if (!strcmp(type, "nrpn7")) { itype = TYPE_NRPN; has_lsb = false; } else if (!strcmp(type, "rpn")) itype = TYPE_RPN; else if (!strcmp(type, "rpn7")) { itype = TYPE_RPN; has_lsb = false; } else { std::clog << line << ": Unknown type '" << type << "'." << std::endl; good = false; itype = TYPE_CC; } if (itype == TYPE_CC && cclsb == -1) has_lsb = false; if (itype == TYPE_PB) { if (ccmsb != -1) continue; if (cclsb != -1) continue; if (mrl < 0 || mrl > 16383) continue; if (mru < 0 || mru > 16383) continue; has_lsb = false; } else { if (ccmsb < 0 || ccmsb > 127) { std::clog << line << ": CC MSB " << ccmsb << " must be between 0 and 127." << std::endl; good = false; } if (cclsb < -1 || cclsb > 127) { std::clog << line << ": CC LSB " << cclsb << " must be between -1 and 127." << std::endl; good = false; } if (mrl < 0 || mrl > (has_lsb ? 16383 : 127)) { std::clog << line << ": MIDI range lower bound " << mrl << " must be between 0 and " << (has_lsb ? 16383 : 127) << "." << std::endl; good = false; } if (mru < 0 || mru > (has_lsb ? 16383 : 127)) { std::clog << line << ": MIDI range upper bound " << mru << " must be between 0 and " << (has_lsb ? 16383 : 127) << "." << std::endl; good = false; } } if (mrl > mru) { std::clog << line << ": MIDI range lower bound must be below upper bound." << std::endl; good = false; } // if (crl < -1.0f || crl > 1.0f) continue; // if (cru < -1.0f || cru > 1.0f) continue; // if (crl > cru) continue; if (latency < 0.0f) { std::clog << line << ": Latency " << latency << " must be greater than zero." << std::endl; good = false; } if (!strcmp(dir, "cvout")) { if (channel < -1 || channel > 15) { std::clog << line << ": MIDI channel " << channel << " must be between -1 and 15." << std::endl; good = false; } if (cvout.find(name)) { std::clog << line << ": Name '" << name << "' already defined." << std::endl; good = false; } cvout.add_mapping(Mapping(name, channel, itype, ccmsb, cclsb, mrl, mru, crl, cru, latency, has_lsb)); } else if (!strcmp(dir, "cvin")) { if (channel < 0 || channel > 15) { std::clog << line << ": MIDI channel " << channel << " must be between 0 and 15." << std::endl; good = false; } if (cvin.find(name)) { std::clog << line << ": Name '" << name << "' already defined." << std::endl; good = false; } cvin.add_mapping(Mapping(name, channel, itype, ccmsb, cclsb, mrl, mru, crl, cru, latency, has_lsb)); } } } fclose(f); if (!good) { std::cerr << "Error(s) in configuration file, stopping." << std::endl; } return good; } static int _running = false; static void sigint_handler(int) { _running = false; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc != 2) { std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " " << std::endl; return 0; } if (!read_config(argv[1])) return 0; cvout.start(); cvin.start(); _running = true; signal(SIGINT, &sigint_handler); signal(SIGTERM, &sigint_handler); while (_running) { sleep(1); } cvin.stop(); cvout.stop(); }